3 Common Terms Used In Collision Repair

Communication is the key to any healthy relationship, especially the one between you and the collision repair specialist who will be fixing your vehicle after an accident.

The auto body repair industry has its own slang and jargon that might be confusing if you don't have prior experience within the industry. A basic understanding of the terms used by collision repair specialists will help you more effectively communicate with your auto body shop when your vehicle is in need of repair.

1. LKQ

One of the acronyms that you will probably hear when discussing auto repairs is LKQ. This acronym stands for "like kind and quality". Auto body repair shops must source parts in order to fix your vehicle. These parts can be purchased from an aftermarket supplier, directly from your vehicle's manufacturer, or salvaged from an existing vehicle.

LKQ parts are those that have been salvaged from another vehicle and thoroughly inspected to ensure their integrity. A lot of collision repair specialists will suggest the use of LKQ parts to help you keep repair costs low.

2. Appraisal

Many drivers think that an appraisal is a determination of the value of their vehicle. While this is one type of appraisal, you will run into a very different kind of appraisal during the collision repair process.

Your auto body shop will complete a thorough examination of your vehicle to assess damage and estimate the parts and labor that will be required to make necessary repairs. The estimated cost of repairs is referred to as a repair appraisal.

Your insurance company will likely want a copy of this repair appraisal before authorizing payment to the auto body shop.

3. R&I

Another common acronym used in the auto body repair industry is R&I. This acronym is short for "remove and install."

Major collision repairs are not always straightforward. A repair specialist will sometimes need to remove an undamaged part in order to access a damaged part for repair. The removal of the undamaged part and the installation of the part once repairs are complete is listed as R&I on any estimates or appraisals that you might receive.

You will not be charged for parts, but the labor required to remove and then reinstall an undamaged part will be considered part of the total repair cost.

Being able to communicate effectively with your collision repair shop will allow you to understand what types of repairs your vehicle needs.
